Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The cutest little things for a new baby!

So I found a new pattern, and made one of my own for these next crochet creations. A diaper cover and pacifier clips!

I made a little hat with the diaper cover, but the creator had asked it not be sold, distributed, pattern stolen, etc. So, I'm only showing the diaper cover, because I'm allowed to do what I want with permission! The Paci-clip I made was actually pretty simple. It takes hardly any time at all, too, which is nice. I just added these little creations to my Etsy Shop, so go take a look! My next project is kind of a secret. I just made a list of some things I have to pick up later, but I'm making it for someone who means a lot to me. He has no idea it's coming to him :D

Just wanted to keep you all updated, of course, and check back weekly for new blogs!
