Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Crochet Creations!!

So ladies and gents, I've got more creations to show off! 

These little creations^^ I made for a friends cat! They're super cute and he actually doesn't mind them :]

This one I made because well, it was winter. But can easily be worn as a headband. It can be made thinner for just that.

The flower can also be made smaller if you decide you like that, or not having one at all!

The little buttons in the back that are used to keep it closed, is very easy to button and unbutton. Nothing gets tangled!

This bag/purse was made for my sister in law. It's all very stretchy and the strap is very flexible, so there's no heavy weight on your shoulder.

I'll be having more up soon, I hope! Anyone interested in making any of these, feel free to message me for the patterns! The bow ties are especially easy to make-took maybe a half hour for those 4!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Procrastinator, no more!

So if it's not bad enough I leave every one of you hanging for however long it was I was gone, I haven't lost any weight.


I'M SO LAZY. No joke. I can't believe how lazy I was.  This is the week my life is changing and I'm not taking no from myself as an answer anymore. I just can't deal with looking at myself in the mirror anymore, I'm just done. So here's what's new with me. I cancelled my gym membership. 

WHAT?! But why? I thought you wanted to work out and lose the baby weight?, you might ask.

Yes, that's exactly what I want to do. But this time I'm taking it in my own hands and really pushing the pedal forward. I'm just so over this whole lazy thing, I don't know how to explain it to you guys. Plus, it's really hard to get to the gym during the day when you're a stay at home mom and only have one car.

This week I've started the T25 Focus workout plan. Now before I continue, let me say this. If you procrastinate, seriously stop. That's enough. If I could, I'd slap your hand like a child. Let me be completely honest with you. This is embarrassing to me and you'll probably think "Ugh, seriously?", but yes. Seriously. My current weight is 212 and like most women at whatever age, I have cellulite. Yay me! I also have bingo arms, thighs that are too big for anyone, and an ass that...well, probably would grow another ass if I kept going the way I was. 

So this workout is supposed to last for 10 weeks. I can do that. As of right now, it ends the week before my birthday! So I'm super excited for that. But I'm also adding Leslie Sansone's walk at home videos as well. I plan on doing the T25 Monday thru Friday anytime before noon and the walking anytime at night, probably after dinner. I'll walk though, 6 days a week, rather than 5 like the intense workouts. Now with this, I don't plan on following any particular diet, but rather making a simple one of my own. I'm setting a strict 1200 calorie diet and by strict, I mean STRICT. And nothing but water. That one might be a little hard considering I've got a sweet tooth large enough to fill the grand canyon and could drink soda just about all the time. Well, that and sugar and mocha in my coffee..you will be missed. With this 1200 calorie diet, I'm not planning on being a complete herbivore a yada yada. I still plan on eating healthy, but if you do this 100% of the time, you'll crash real fast.. so 90% clean eating and 10% fun food. But, I plan on keeping that inside my 1200 calorie count, not just a "treat" for myself. Just to give you an idea of what this looks like, here ya go.

1200 calories
T25 before noon
Walk at Home in the evening

1200 calories
Walk at Home before noon
Walk at Home in the evening.

It's real simple, but I'm kicking my own ass and getting my own results. I've looked all over the place for 'How to lose x amount of pounds in x amount of days!' and seeing all these scams. So I'm doing these, and I'll provide progress results every couple of weeks, rather than once a month like most do. I'm also taking 2 green tea pill supplements every day as well, to boost my metabolism and really get going. So far so good on that, too!

If you wanna join this with me, please do! I'd really love to see and hear about your progress, too! I WILL look good in my swim suit this year, dammit. I will. And like all good days, ...
