Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

You might want to book mark this post in my blog for future's a Fathers Day edition! You know all dads out there want to indulge just like moms do on Mothers Day :) So take note of this recipe! It's sooo mouth watering good. It's a recipe for fudge brownies I found a while back, but can't remember where I found it. 

Fudge Brownies

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees, and then combine the following in a mixing bowl

4 eggs
1c sugar
1c brown sugar
1/2c flour
1 1/4c cocoa
8oz melted butter
2tsp vanilla extract
1/2tsp salt

Mix it all together and put it in your brownie pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes. 

I swear these are the best brownies I've ever had. Can definitely guarantee you won't have a bad brownie with this recipe. I haven't!

Now, for all you crafty crochet-ers, check out this pattern. It's great to make for you, your kids and the father in their lives to take goofy pictures with!
This is what it looks like! (I did not make this one, the creator of the pattern did). And the other pattern you can add bushy eyebrows, too! I love how cute and silly these are. I can't wait to make these for us :)

It doesn't matter if you go out or stay in with your dad on Fathers Day, just have fun! And don't forget, Fathers Day is June 15!


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