Sunday, May 18, 2014

Homemade calzones have never been easier!

So a couple weeks ago I was craving a calzone. My husband and I had had one recently, but it was just so good. So I found a whole wheat pizza dough recipe that was so quick and simple, it was only 4 ingredients! You can find it here. It's so easy to roll out, just make sure to add a tiny bit of flour at a time while rolling. don't want it too dry. The first time I made these, I made 3. They were 2-3 meals a piece! They were HUGE. This time however, I figured I'd go smaller, and just freeze a bunch. Some I made with ricotta as a base, others tomato sauce. You can put 3-6 on a baking sheet for 20 minutes and the dough will be so good. These are how mine turned out.
This is one made with ricotta..

in the process of folding them..

one made with tomato sauce..

seasoned with a little butter, garlic and italian seasoning right before popping them in..

and this is the finished product! I think it made 11 total, but I didnt follow the recipe as far as how small to make them. I also made the recipe 1 1/2x the amount.

I was almost done when I realized I forgot to take a picture of the inside! 

I made a lot of food, and had a lot of dough to work with, but it took about an hour-hour and a half to make and bake them all :)

Share this recipe with your friends and family, or better yet, try your hand at them and share!


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