Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

You might want to book mark this post in my blog for future's a Fathers Day edition! You know all dads out there want to indulge just like moms do on Mothers Day :) So take note of this recipe! It's sooo mouth watering good. It's a recipe for fudge brownies I found a while back, but can't remember where I found it. 

Fudge Brownies

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees, and then combine the following in a mixing bowl

4 eggs
1c sugar
1c brown sugar
1/2c flour
1 1/4c cocoa
8oz melted butter
2tsp vanilla extract
1/2tsp salt

Mix it all together and put it in your brownie pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes. 

I swear these are the best brownies I've ever had. Can definitely guarantee you won't have a bad brownie with this recipe. I haven't!

Now, for all you crafty crochet-ers, check out this pattern. It's great to make for you, your kids and the father in their lives to take goofy pictures with!
This is what it looks like! (I did not make this one, the creator of the pattern did). And the other pattern you can add bushy eyebrows, too! I love how cute and silly these are. I can't wait to make these for us :)

It doesn't matter if you go out or stay in with your dad on Fathers Day, just have fun! And don't forget, Fathers Day is June 15!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Homemade calzones have never been easier!

So a couple weeks ago I was craving a calzone. My husband and I had had one recently, but it was just so good. So I found a whole wheat pizza dough recipe that was so quick and simple, it was only 4 ingredients! You can find it here. It's so easy to roll out, just make sure to add a tiny bit of flour at a time while rolling. don't want it too dry. The first time I made these, I made 3. They were 2-3 meals a piece! They were HUGE. This time however, I figured I'd go smaller, and just freeze a bunch. Some I made with ricotta as a base, others tomato sauce. You can put 3-6 on a baking sheet for 20 minutes and the dough will be so good. These are how mine turned out.
This is one made with ricotta..

in the process of folding them..

one made with tomato sauce..

seasoned with a little butter, garlic and italian seasoning right before popping them in..

and this is the finished product! I think it made 11 total, but I didnt follow the recipe as far as how small to make them. I also made the recipe 1 1/2x the amount.

I was almost done when I realized I forgot to take a picture of the inside! 

I made a lot of food, and had a lot of dough to work with, but it took about an hour-hour and a half to make and bake them all :)

Share this recipe with your friends and family, or better yet, try your hand at them and share!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Everything just keeps getting better and better..

I keep telling you guys that I'll be better at updating posts and showing you all of my new creations. The sad thing is, I'm only getting busier. There are so many weddings and birthdays in the next 3 months alone, on top of moving again, etc, etc. It's frustrating, stressful and I can barely keep my mind in shape. But I'm here now, so end mini rant. 

I recently had a Mothers Day Contest on my facebook page, Stitches and Weaves and Other Things, doing a simple trivia question, and had a grand prize, 1st and 2nd runner up. The grand prize winner received this bag that I crafted up. It was actually my first time lining anything crocheted, and it turned out really nice!

I forgot to take pictures of the 1st and 2nd runner up prizes, but I'll get one from them! I'm in the process of making a bigger purse for my mom for Mothers Day, so once that's done, I'll be putting both of these up for sale in my Etsy Shop :]

I also came across an AMAZING recipe for whole wheat dough for making calzones. It's this recipe, but I REALLY stuffed them. I made 3 out of all the dough, and it was basically 2-3 separate meals for each person. It was a lot. But delicious. This is what mine looked like. 

These were small plates, too. And the next day, just before heating up. But see? They're massive and that's only half of it. The recipe calls for 18 small ones, and now I see why. But the dough is so perfect. I also baked all 3 at once for 20 minutes. 

In other news, look what I got this morning! 
My business officially has it's own brand! I present to you, Stitches and Weaves and Other Things new label, Lucky Penny :D

My daughters name is Penelope, and since day one, I've called her my Lucky Penny. I've gotten more orders recently, and I'm promoting my business more, so I thought- why not put my own name on it? Or rather, my daughters? I make a lot of baby items, both sewn and crocheted, and I'm having a hard time deciding if just my baby items should have this label, or all of my work. What do you think? This is the first time I've ever ordered these, and so far I'm impressed. It was only $11.95 for 50 tags! That was the best price I found, and I looked for a couple hours. 

Hopefully I'll be able to update more, I'll try to make more time for everyone :). 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The cutest little things for a new baby!

So I found a new pattern, and made one of my own for these next crochet creations. A diaper cover and pacifier clips!

I made a little hat with the diaper cover, but the creator had asked it not be sold, distributed, pattern stolen, etc. So, I'm only showing the diaper cover, because I'm allowed to do what I want with permission! The Paci-clip I made was actually pretty simple. It takes hardly any time at all, too, which is nice. I just added these little creations to my Etsy Shop, so go take a look! My next project is kind of a secret. I just made a list of some things I have to pick up later, but I'm making it for someone who means a lot to me. He has no idea it's coming to him :D

Just wanted to keep you all updated, of course, and check back weekly for new blogs!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Crochet Creations!!

So ladies and gents, I've got more creations to show off! 

These little creations^^ I made for a friends cat! They're super cute and he actually doesn't mind them :]

This one I made because well, it was winter. But can easily be worn as a headband. It can be made thinner for just that.

The flower can also be made smaller if you decide you like that, or not having one at all!

The little buttons in the back that are used to keep it closed, is very easy to button and unbutton. Nothing gets tangled!

This bag/purse was made for my sister in law. It's all very stretchy and the strap is very flexible, so there's no heavy weight on your shoulder.

I'll be having more up soon, I hope! Anyone interested in making any of these, feel free to message me for the patterns! The bow ties are especially easy to make-took maybe a half hour for those 4!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Procrastinator, no more!

So if it's not bad enough I leave every one of you hanging for however long it was I was gone, I haven't lost any weight.


I'M SO LAZY. No joke. I can't believe how lazy I was.  This is the week my life is changing and I'm not taking no from myself as an answer anymore. I just can't deal with looking at myself in the mirror anymore, I'm just done. So here's what's new with me. I cancelled my gym membership. 

WHAT?! But why? I thought you wanted to work out and lose the baby weight?, you might ask.

Yes, that's exactly what I want to do. But this time I'm taking it in my own hands and really pushing the pedal forward. I'm just so over this whole lazy thing, I don't know how to explain it to you guys. Plus, it's really hard to get to the gym during the day when you're a stay at home mom and only have one car.

This week I've started the T25 Focus workout plan. Now before I continue, let me say this. If you procrastinate, seriously stop. That's enough. If I could, I'd slap your hand like a child. Let me be completely honest with you. This is embarrassing to me and you'll probably think "Ugh, seriously?", but yes. Seriously. My current weight is 212 and like most women at whatever age, I have cellulite. Yay me! I also have bingo arms, thighs that are too big for anyone, and an ass that...well, probably would grow another ass if I kept going the way I was. 

So this workout is supposed to last for 10 weeks. I can do that. As of right now, it ends the week before my birthday! So I'm super excited for that. But I'm also adding Leslie Sansone's walk at home videos as well. I plan on doing the T25 Monday thru Friday anytime before noon and the walking anytime at night, probably after dinner. I'll walk though, 6 days a week, rather than 5 like the intense workouts. Now with this, I don't plan on following any particular diet, but rather making a simple one of my own. I'm setting a strict 1200 calorie diet and by strict, I mean STRICT. And nothing but water. That one might be a little hard considering I've got a sweet tooth large enough to fill the grand canyon and could drink soda just about all the time. Well, that and sugar and mocha in my will be missed. With this 1200 calorie diet, I'm not planning on being a complete herbivore a yada yada. I still plan on eating healthy, but if you do this 100% of the time, you'll crash real fast.. so 90% clean eating and 10% fun food. But, I plan on keeping that inside my 1200 calorie count, not just a "treat" for myself. Just to give you an idea of what this looks like, here ya go.

1200 calories
T25 before noon
Walk at Home in the evening

1200 calories
Walk at Home before noon
Walk at Home in the evening.

It's real simple, but I'm kicking my own ass and getting my own results. I've looked all over the place for 'How to lose x amount of pounds in x amount of days!' and seeing all these scams. So I'm doing these, and I'll provide progress results every couple of weeks, rather than once a month like most do. I'm also taking 2 green tea pill supplements every day as well, to boost my metabolism and really get going. So far so good on that, too!

If you wanna join this with me, please do! I'd really love to see and hear about your progress, too! I WILL look good in my swim suit this year, dammit. I will. And like all good days, ...


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A fun twist with hats. And recipes!

So I had a couple requests from a couple of good friends of mine, to make them hats. These are the pictures I get.

I'm glad I could make my friends happy with this sort of thing.

Once again [with these patterns, anyway] I cannot claim them as my own, so this is where you'll find the panda pattern and this is where you'll find the hat and beard patterns.

I know I haven't been keeping up with my blogging lately and I'm's got a hold of me! And I just got a big order from my Etsy Shop, so I may not post anything else for about a week or so. I need time to make all of it! Lots of fun hours ahead. I also don't want to leave you guys without something else to enjoy, so here's a couple of really fun recipes!

Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

2cups + 1 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
12 tbsp melted butter
1cup packed brown sugar
1/2cup sugar
1 egg + 1 egg yolk
2tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2cup semi sweet chocolate chips

Make sure before you preheat your oven to put the rack in the middle and then preheat to 325 degrees.
Combine the flour and baking soda.
By hand (and this is way easier) mix the butter and sugars.
Beat in egg + yolk and vanilla.
Add dry ingredients and chips.
Make 1/4cup dough into balls. 

It should bake for 7-10 minutes. [Every oven is different]
**Personally I made them a little bigger because I was looking for a good recipe for big soft choc. chip cookies. THIS IS IT!!

Garlic knots

For the dough- 1 3/4cup warm water     [Make sure it's warm!!!]
1/4cup olive oil
1tsp. salt
1tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tbsp active dry yeast
5 1/2 cups unbleached flour

For the garlic coating- 1/8cup olive oil
2tbsp. butter
4 cloves garlic (finely crushed)  [[I used minced garlic in a jar and it worked out great]]
1/4cup italian seasoning

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Combine water, olive oil, salt, sugar and yeast. Mix.
Add flour. Mix. Set in a warm spot [like on top of the preheating stove] until doubled in volume.
Roll flat to 1/2in by 5in. [[I just grabbed from the ball of dough and rolled it between my hands.]]
While the knots are baking, make garlic coating.
It'll bake for roughly 8-10 minutes.

When you take the knots out of the over, spoon the coating over each knot and you're done!

Homemade Meatballs

1/4cup water
Ground beef [or vegetarian substitute]-1-1 1/2lbs
2 eggs
1/2cup buttermilk
3/4cup unseasoned breadcrumbs
4tsp. garlic & onion minced [[minced garlic in a jar once again and onion powder does fine in a pinch]]
1/2cup parsley
1/2 parmesan
2tbsp oregano
1tsp. salt
1/2 tbsp pepper

Preheat  your oven to 375 degrees.
Whisk eggs.
Add water, buttermilk & bread crumbs.
Stir and let rest for 10 minutes.
Combine bread crumb mixture, garlic/onion, parsley, cheese, oregano, salt & pepper.

Mix and make balls.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Recipes that don't really have much to do with each other, but they're short and sweet and I want to keep my readers entertained! So if you try any of these out this weekend, let me know how it turned out!
