Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm back with a brand new recipe!

So today I started my new schedule getting up earlier, getting things done earlier in the day, so I can just relax later with my daughter. Husband left to go into work an hour early to get stuff moved around there, only to be graced with his presence 2 hours later because the floors that were being done, were still not done. So basically I've been lazy almost all day.

I wanted to try a new chocolate recipe, as my cravings have been kicking in pretty fiercely lately and I wanted to share it with all of you! Now keep in mind that I doubled this recipe to make brownie cupcakes rather than just brownies. So the timing for cooking is going to be different. You can find it at this site and follow it there if you get confused with something on here or would just prefer to do it that way.

So here goes!

-20 tbsp unsalted butter
-2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
-1 1/2 cup + 4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
-1/2 rounded tsp kosher salt
-2 tsp vanilla extract
-4 large eggs
-1 cup all purpose (unbleached) flour
Preheat your oven to 325 degrees!

Now keep in mind that all of that ^^ is doubled from the original.

                                          So first you want to gather all ingredients together.

For now you're only going to combine butter, sugar, cocoa powder and the salt in a medium heat-safe bowl.

**Note:: I didn't do this next part, I just melted the butter and mixed it in.

Add enough water to a medium pot so that it's 1 or 2 inches deep and heat until it's barely simmering. Now take the bowl with the ingredients you just combined and rest it over the simmering water. If the bowl touches the water, pour some out. You're going to stir until the butter is melted and everything else is pretty warm. Once this happens, take the bowl off and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. 
Don't be worried if the mixture looks grainy like this

Stir in the vanilla, one egg at a time, and then finally the flour, slowly. 

So this is where instead of putting this mixture in a greased brownie pan or on parchment paper, I decided to go with cupcakes! I had some wrappers I didn't think I'd ever get around to using, so I figured it'd be a good way :)

I can't stress this enough-this is for a doubled batch!! I don't want you to be disappointed with the outcome because I didn't clarify anything.

And this is what my batch looks like! I filled each cup just short of the top and baked these for a total of 45 minutes on 325, checking throughout.

**EDIT** If you're afraid of the top being too crispy, cover the top with aluminum foil for the majority of the baking time.

**Note::It was my first time trying this recipe. After trying one of these out, I will let you know that the top is pretty crunchy while the inside is wayyy softer and melt in your mouth. Also, regardless if you put this in a pan with or without a liner, or make cupcakes with or without liners, spray with cooking spray! Or a non stick spray. I had aluminum and paper cupcake wrappers and the paper ones seem to stick a bit too much for anyone's liking. 

Try it out and let me know what you think!

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