Friday, January 10, 2014

Starting with a bang!

I had/have no set new years resolution this year. I've decided to go where the universe wants to take me. And apparently it's a crafty little planet set up in our living room. So these blogs will be about everything that I do as a stay at home mom, a crafter, crocheter, seamstress, and recipes I create. To start off I'm going to list my crafty Facebook page, Twitter and Etsy shop. 

Feel free to share any and all links with friends, family or fellow crafters. That's a big reason I started all of this, on top of the fact that my daughter has changed me into a mixture of Betty Crocker and Suzy Homemaker. So as I was saying, just doing a simple search for a beginner pattern is all it takes. I can't believe how addicted to this I've got. I love making things for my daughter, husband, other family members and friends. Actually it all started before I had my daughter while still pregnant, I started making baby slings and pouches to sell. My next step in Crochet World, amigurumi. They look like this:

It can simply be anything. Mostly cute, but can be anything. I'll always have new things up, seeing how I'm always keeping my hands busy. 

Keep in mind on my Facebook and Twitter page I'll start posting random contests and giveaways! So let anyone whos interested know. Share the crap out of my links. I've made a few loyal customers in a very short time, and I'll be more than happy to see that keep growing! 

Well, this is it for the beginning of a new chapter of my life. 

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