Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Hair and Weight Loss goals!

There's a couple new things I plan on trying and I just felt like telling all of you about it. One being my hair, two being my weight loss goal. Let's start with the hair. 

So I came across another blog going over using baking soda and vinegar to shampoo and condition my hair. I thought about it for a few days and finally decided to give it a try. Tonight was my first time trying it out and I can honestly say I feel like my ends are much smoother than before; almost like my hair has been repaired, but there was no damage to begin with. I also found an olive oil treatment that's supposed to make my hair grow faster...we'll see about that one. Here's what I did.

-1/3 cup baking soda (or more if you need it)
*I put a little in my hair to start distribution, but started at my scalp and worked my way to the ends. Left in on for a couple minutes and rinsed it out. 

-2 tblsp apple cider vinegar (or white distilled vinegar)
-1 cup of water
*Mixed the two together and worked through my hair, making sure everything was covered. Also left in for a couple minutes before rinsing completely out.

I know some if not most of you are hesitant because of the vinegar smell. The ACV didn't have a strong smell to begin with, and now that my hair is dry, my husband said it feels, looks and smells clean, even though it doesn't have a scent. "Does clean have a scent?" he asked. lol. So in the conditioner you can add essential oils like lavender or peppermint. That's what I'll start doing. Ok, no for the olive oil treatment. This is where I found it. When it was on my head it felt similar to having it colored (it itched a little) but much much tamer. I'm going to keep trying these out and post progress pictures along the way :].

And now for the weight loss goals. 
I thought about it going over the different ways I'll be able to lose weight faster and more efficiently. Yesterday while browsing Craigslist I came across this ad and decided to reply. It explains about the Yacon root and how it works and yada yada. Supposedly you're supposed to lose a good amount of weight in a short amount of time. This is what it is. So when I replied about it, they reply back with that Amazon link and 2 more links for 2 other products saying that if I just wanted the Yacon syrup, I would just have to pay shipping, but if I got that and one of the other products, clicked on free shipping and entered the promo code given, it would all be free. And it was! Take a look below.

This was the other product I got, claiming the same kind of weight loss goal. Should get this all by thursday of this week. I'm excited to try it, I feel like I did a fair amount of research on it to go through with it. If you want to try it too, go to the link I provided for the Craigslist ad and do the same thing! 

I'm also planning on doing a 100 day challenge for myself. Every Thursday I have off, for two reasons. 1) My husband has band practice right after work and won't really have time during the day ((or find a sitter quickly)) and 2) because you should always take at least one day off from exercise. And for the 6 days I am, I will be doing so twice daily. I have a strong goal that I'm looking forward to. So Friday's, Sunday's and Tuesday's  when I go in the mornings, I'll do a cardio circuit training for a half hour, and then walk for about 30 minutes. The night when I go back, I'll just do one hour of cardio. Saturday's Monday's and Wednesday's I plan on doing one hour of cardio, twice daily. On top of all this, I'm setting a 1200 caloric diet for myself as well. I'm setting the standards high and goals in front of my face so I don't give up. 

Wanna give this a try with me? I'll update every week or couple of weeks to let you guys know what my progress is and also to let you know how one of those weight loss supplements work for me. I'd love to hear about your success, too!


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